
Welcome To Army Public School Jammu Cantt

Notice Board

Key Of Success

Key Of Success

Every student who passes out of the school becomes a functionally well-educated individual to take on challenges anywhere in the world.

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

We believe in excelling in whatever we do and therefore we will put in all our resources behind our students and will leave no stone unturned to create leaders without borders.

Key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

Ensuring quality education is one of the most important things we can do for future generations.

Ms Puneet Kaur


Why Choose Us

Ethics Behind Success

Skilled Teachers


Adequate Infrastructure


Book Library & Lab


Message From the Principal

Ms. Puneet Kaur

At Army Public School Jammu Cantt, we believe that a comprehensive curriculum broadens not only the mind but also the opportunities. It is a belief that has inspired us and our students for the past 40 years and has made us a leader in the co-ed schools in Jammu.
According to the vision of AWES, we prepare children for life itself by developing their emotional intelligence, making them God fearing, resilient, caring, adaptive, reflective and open minded to adjust to new situations. We want them to face challenges with confidence and happiness.
Today the quality of education is continuously scaling new heights and new bench marks are constantly set. Besides maintaining the rising trend of API the school stresses on "The six pillars of character viz. trustworthy, caring, responsibility, respect, honesty and integrity".
As a principal of the school, I have a mission to make sure that every student of the school receives the best not only in Academics but also in co- curricular activities. It is the one we all can agree on and one that matters immensely to me. It starts with access to high - quality learning opportunities and continues with a great school - a school ready for the future challenges.
I am confident that the days spent at Army Public School Jammu Cantt will help all our students to achieve success in life and I hope the school website meets the requirements of the stake holders. Wish you a happy schooling.

Message From the Vice Principal

Ms. Manmeet Kour

APS Jammu Cantt encourages students to learn about themselves and their constantly changing environment, while at the same time offering support and guidance as they practice decision-making and social skills. We are confident that this school is the best place for your child.
Academics are a defining feature of our school. It challenges the mind and develops each student’s capacity to acquire the knowledge, concepts and skills required to become responsible citizens. Academic excellence instils in students the value of lifelong learning. Our ability to balance curricular and co-curricular activities while understanding the needs of students, shapes them into well-rounded individuals and makes the school a unique learning environment.
As the vice principal of the school, I anticipate the full participation and cooperation of the students and parents to make it possible for us to transform those dreams to reality. We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress and activities of your child. We look forward to your continuous support.

Message From the Headmistress

Mrs Anupama Bahadur

The world is constantly changing. We live in a world today that is totally different from the one in which we grew up and were educated. As educators, this forces us to take a pause and focus on the educational environment - Is our School equipped to prepare our children to face the challenges of the changing world?
This is the thought that keeps us all motivated at Army Public School Jammu Cantt to regularly review and reflect on our systems to create a cohesive learning environment for the children. It enables us to create a well balanced curriculum so that the children will love their School years and will be prepared to face the life's challenges thereafter.
Aristotle once said, "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." Even as we yearn to impart education to deal with the technological advancements and globalization, we at APS try our best to impart in our children the good moral values and principles. We pride ourselves to see them growing into sensitive and responsible human beings.
A team of caring, committed and supportive management, staff and parents blend harmoniously to create a child - centric School. It is natural to find in the school's ambience, a variety of well thought activities, methodologies and group dynamics that make the classrooms come alive.
I take this opportunity to thank all the parents who have reposed their faith in our school. We assure to do our very best always.
"What we learn with pleasure, we never forget." With this thought, I, on behalf of all the staff from the School, ensure that your child’s journey with us will be joyful and full of memorable learning experiences.
Thank you.