
Ethics & Integrity

“Leading with positive ethical values builds trust, and brings out the integrity in people which leads to great results.”
Ethics, also called moral philosophy, is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, and morally right and wrong. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Only morality in our actions can beautify our life. The aim of education will not only be cognitive development, but also building character and creating holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with moral principles. One needs to learn the rules and of course be accountable for them. Rules are not meant for breaking self-discipline. They always help to make good choices.  Students should be given a logical framework for making sound ethical decisions and to use ethical practice in all areas.

NEP 2020 emphasizes to develop good human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination with sound ethical moorings and values. Ethics are interpreted as the discipline of dealing with good and bad with commitment and moral duty. Ethics are well-established levels that make the measures right and wrong. It is classified as unique values such as integrity, discipline and honesty amid others and applies them in daily routines. Discipline always increases one’s ability to focus and concentrate more in whatever you do. A disciplined life enhances the skills of the students which will definitely be beneficial for the future. Self-discipline always helps to make good choices. We need to educate ourselves in a manner so that we know clearly what to do and what not. We need to understand the repercussions of harmful habits and ethically put an end to them. We practice discipline by giving the students conducive environment and the platform to participate in various fields like sports and music.

Imparting value education to the students builds their character and inculcates ethics.

Ministry of Human Resource and Development imparts value education to students through a course developed by Rama Krishna Mission known as ‘Awakening Citizen Programme’. The interactive sessions of the course motivate the students and keep them on the righteous path. APSJaciansare encouraged to share their thought process on topics related to integrity and moral development during the class .The facilitators sharing case studies with students to help them think and make rational decisions, helps promote critical thinking skills among them.

AWWA organizes Ethics Bowl competition every year at national level which develops not only rational thinking among students but also infuses integrity by expanding logical framework for children along the themes of cheating, violence, plagiarism, lying, tolerance, equality, empathy, etc., with a view to enabling children to embrace moral/ethical values in conducting one's life. Eventually, ethics and integrity in education will certainly aid in the holistic development of the students that is the motto of the system of education. Ethically we all need to stand for truth which will always empower us to reach our goals.
